Making the New Oil

The day I’ve been waiting for arrives. It’s time to go to the frontoio, the olive press, to witness the oil extracted from the olives.  Later will come the first taste, the gift I’ve anticipated since I arrived in Italy. I’ve dreamt of this for the past three years of lockdown. Though I have witnessed […]

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In the Countryside

In the summer, Cristina and Luca live in their house, Acquafregola, in the Vallombrosa forest.  With winter coming, they move back to Paterno, a 20-minute drive down the mountain. They will return daily to feed the feral cats and fill jugs with fresh drinking water from the spring.   I believe this water has medicinal […]

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Italy: Re-Booted!

SPRING 2023 Writing, appreciating art, cuisine and culture in Florence and Tuscany Italy sings softly in my ear, urging me to return, insisting that it’s safe now. My heart literally aches when I look at photos from past adventures. In late September, I plan to re-visit my favourite sites alone and meet with my friends […]

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Tuscany 2020

Something new is in the air… Meet Arianna and Alessio of KM Zero Tours! For the past few years, I have been meeting with my friends Arianna and Alessio who own and operate  KM Zero Tours (Kilometer Zero Tours). Their philosophy meshes well with mine; get to know the people, the small villages, the local […]

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Firenze, Bologna, Vallombrossa and Fiesole

It seems to rain almost every day but It does not distract from the beauty of Tuscany and good times with friends.  Let’s start with Firenze And now we are in Bologna to see Tiffany Poon.  We stayed with  Cristina and Luca, in the mountains above the Vallombrosa Abby and a day trip to Certaldo […]

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