We visit the Textile Museum in Prato, Malo teaches us how to make baskets , we make pasta with Luciano, visit siena and dine with Elettra and Andreas [metaslider id=1341]
We visit the Textile Museum in Prato, Malo teaches us how to make baskets , we make pasta with Luciano, visit siena and dine with Elettra and Andreas [metaslider id=1341]
On Saturday we had lunch at Cristina and Lucca’s farm in Paterno. After lunch we made sachets with dried herbs and flowers. [metaslider id=1280]
Here is the rough plan of our adventure! Where we are staying: Agritourismo Il Colle in Poggio alle Croce ( near figline valdarno/incisa) Tuesday Oct 28 Day 1 Group picked up at Florence airport, mid afternoon. Welcome reception at Il Colle- Marcie is cooking! Unpack, relax! if anyone is feeling energetic: drive around the neighbourhood: […]
Here is a slideshow of some photos I have taken of Florence. Hope this helps build the excitement! We are almost there! [metaslider id=969]
I am still processing the experience, certainly I was out of my comfort zone ( a good thing!) and many stories will follow. In the meantime, enjoy the slideshow of Havana, and the beach at Playa de Estes. [metaslider id=1593]