Italians can get tired of Italian food. I know it is hard to believe, but it’s true. So I volunteered to make chili for the Cosi family and a few friends last night. The only place to buy foreign food in Florence is Vivi Market where they have a selection of different cuisines, including oriental, […]
I am a card-making machine
Today in Firenze
This morning, I am greeted by a kiss on each cheek by the owner of the local bakery here in Fiesole while drinking a coffee with Anna. I was a good customer, as I’m sure you can imagine, but after almost four years away, I thought I would be forgotten. The number 7 bus takes […]
How to overcome jet lag
Almost four years away from Firenze warrants at least four days to get reacquainted. Here’s my plan: Go to the cafe and drink a café doppio. (double espresso) No sugar. No milk. I will savor the syrupy richness, inhale the earthy smell while admiring the thimble sized ceramic cup and doll sized spoon. Try to […]