Countdown to Lucca!

In October, I will be travelling outside of my comfort zone. (not found on any map!) I will be living, by myself, in Lucca for the month.

My goal is to speak only Italian AND look for new venues and activities for future Pronto Marcella travellers. I chose Lucca because:

1. I don’t know anyone there who speaks English and 

2. the cultural life is rich enough that I won’t get bored.

I have rented an apartment in Palazzo Tucci

my front door for  a month
my future living room

I might even take a class at Lucca Italian School

Maybe I will dust off that draft of a historical novel set in Tuscany. Does anyone remember the adventures of Celine?

Enjoy the slideshow of Lucca!

[metaslider id=3673 cssclass=” alignnormal”]

I will take some day trips to Cinque Terre, Torre del Lago, Portofino and other places I haven’t yet even heard of yet. Any suggestions? Let me know!

In November, I will stay with friends, helping with the olive harvest

waiting to be pressed
Taken a few years ago in Lucca

If you know anyone interested in participating in my next groups,  Spring or Fall 2020, please let me know!

9 thoughts on “Countdown to Lucca!

  1. Ciao bella! I’m interested in the Spring 2020, but I am unable to do the longer trip like Debbie and Robin did as it is my first year at a new job, and I don’t want to ask for the time off. Please keep me posted! Grazie mille.

  2. Oh Marcie: I recognize all of these pictures of Lucca. Such a beautiful place! And I LOVE your apartment! Can’t wait for more pictures.
    Love, Robin

    • Photos will come! We had such a great day there just a few months ago. I felt i needed to do something different and a tiny bit scary. That’s how I define an adventure!

    • Thank Mary! I remember spending a day there with you and your friends, walking the walls and wandering through the streets of Lucca. I will certainly be posting about my time in the area.

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