On Saturday we had lunch at Cristina and Lucca’s farm in Paterno. After lunch we made sachets with dried herbs and flowers. [metaslider id=1280]
On Saturday we had lunch at Cristina and Lucca’s farm in Paterno. After lunch we made sachets with dried herbs and flowers. [metaslider id=1280]
On Sunday afternoon I was out for a walk with Elettra and the three dogs when a small truck drove by with a cargo of freshly killed cinghales. The truck passed so fast that I didn’t even have time to get my camera out of my pocket. Elettra said, “I think I know where they […]
On Thursday nights, Elettra sings with a choir in Florence, near San Niccolo. The group meets in the Lutheran church where Italians gather to sing religious songs in German. Last night I tagged along, thinking I could sit in the back of the church and listen. If I got bored, I could always go for […]
I promise you no jet lag as I take you with me to the goat farm in poggio alle croce. Sit back and enjoy the tour! There are some changes since I was here last march [metaslider id=1164]